Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions:
Please read the following terms and conditions.
By enrolling onto or renewing a course of swimming lessons with Water Wings Swim School, you accept and agree to abide by them.
To help minimise the number of missed lessons, we run our lessons within term dates, with breaks for all the school holidays and bank holidays (unless otherwise stated in our published term dates). Exact dates for the term are available on our website. Lessons are paid up front for the full term and pro-rata fees are due if swimmers join during a term.
When re-enrolling spaces will be offered to existing swimmers and held for two weeks, after this date, spaces in each class are not guaranteed and will be passed onto the waiting list of swimmers.
Change of lesson time/date/: Swimmers are assessed regularly and based on the teacher’s assessment the whole class may move onto the next stage together or the teacher can highlight a child to move at any time during the term. If your child is suggested to move class, the team will contact you to arrange a new class. We recognise how children’s activities change from time to time so, in order to make our lessons as convenient for you as possible, please contact us if your current class is no longer convenient and we will do all that we can to change your class to a different day/ time. If the day or time of your swimming lesson needs to be changed, we will contact you to discuss options. Should you need to change lesson time/day/venue at the end or part way through your 12-week block, we will try to accommodate your request but cannot guarantee this.
Refunds & Cancellations:
For existing customers - If you wish to cancel lessons Water Wings Swim School can look to re-sell your space, however we cannot guarantee to be successful. Should your space be re-sold, you will receive a refund from the point of re-sale, minus a one lesson administration fee.
For new swimmers only - To abide by distance selling regulations, you have a 7 working day cooling off period from the date of your booking. However, this withdrawal right shall no longer be exercised if the first lesson has been taken before the expiry of the cooling off period. If you are outside of the 7 working day cooling off period, we can look to resell your space, however we cannot guarantee to be successful. Should your space be re-sold, you will receive a refund from the point of re-sale, minus a one lesson administration fee. Cancellations must be made in writing. Water wings swim school are under no obligation to refund or credit you if you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. We regret that we are unable to offer an alternative for missed lessons. If a lesson is cancelled due to a pool closure, this session will be added onto the end of your booked term. We are unable to provide a credit for nonattendance.
Swimmers are assessed regularly as part of lessons and the teacher will flag and action for a swimmer to move lessons during the term, if their ability deems it necessary. Water wings swim school will formally assess all swimmers at the end of each term and award certificates. Certificates can be purchased from water wings staff on poolside, during the last few weeks of each term.
Lost Property: All property left in the changing rooms or on poolside as well as outside of the pool building (e.g. prams) is left at your own risk. Water wings swim school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal possessions. Water wings swim school accepts no responsibility for accident or damage to any member, client, person, equipment or vehicle owned by anyone connected with these lessons whilst on the site of any venue used by Water wings swim school.
Swimmers should not swim if they have an open wound, any infectious disease, cough, cold, ear infection, head lice or for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. Swimmers should not enter the water for 14 days following unexplained diarrhoea. The office must be informed of any changes to existing or new medical conditions for all swimmers so that their teacher can be made aware.
Nappies & Babies:
Our younger swimmers, who are not yet fully toilet trained, are required to wear a double nappy system i.e. swim nappy (e.g. Huggies) and a confinement nappy. All swimmers should use the toilet before their swimming lesson. Babies should be changed on the floor using a suitable changing mat. To avoid the risk of falling, please do not use any raised areas such as benches. As we use school sites, there are no facilities for nappy disposal. For health and safety reasons, please take all your used nappies away with you. Never leave nappies in an open bin including those within the venue grounds.
Changing Facilities:
Water wings swim school adhere to the Swim England Changing Room Policy (The Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures). Children of the age of 8 years and above are required to change in the gender correct changing room. Accompanying adults must also abide by gender correct changing facilities. Please refer to: www.swimming.org/swimengland/wa vepower-child-safeguarding-forclubs/ section 2, page 82 Upon entrance to the building shoes must be removed and can be placed on either available shoe racks or under the benches. Shoes are not to be worn around the changing rooms or on poolside.
Health & Safety:
Water wings ltd takes responsibility for swimmers during their lesson time in the water only. Water wings ltd does not accept responsibility for swimmers if they leave the pool for any reason during their lesson, e.g. to visit the toilet. Please note that water wings ltd does not accept any responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of any adult or child spectators whilst they are on site. All swimmers (with the exception of our adult and child classes) are required to wear a swimming hat. Girls should wear a one-piece swimming costume (no bikinis) and boys should wear fitted swim shorts (no baggy board shorts). We ask that swimmers do not wear any jewellery at their lessons for health & safety reasons. To protect your child from suffering stomach cramps/sickness whilst in the water, it is essential that all swimmers finish their meal at least 1½ hours before their session or 45 minutes before for a light snack (i.e. a drink and a biscuit). Spectators and swimmers should refrain from running whilst onsite. Please note that no outdoor shoes, food, drinks, glass or talcum powder are allowed on poolside or in the changing rooms. Smoking is not permitted anywhere at any of our venues. Climbing, standing and playing on equipment/ benches poolside or in changing rooms is strictly forbidden. We ask that Parents/Guardians remain on-site for the duration of their child’s swimming lesson (not applicable to adult swimmers). If necessary, water wings ltd reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the poolside at any time.
Please refer to our website for directions and parking instructions specific to your lesson venue. As we use school sites, please drive very slowly (walking pace) and with extreme caution as there are many adults and children moving around at different times. Please also be aware that parking at all venues is at your own risk. Water wings ltd reserves the right to end the contract if water wings ltd deems there to have been any kind of failure to comply with the rules applicable to each venue.
In order to teach children to be as safe as possible and to be equipped to react calmly and effectively in the event of falling into water, water wings ltd actively encourages children to swim without goggles until they are working towards Stage 3. At this point they spend longer periods of time with their face in the water and goggles can be beneficial. Please note that many of the elements for each stage of the Swim England swimmers’ journey will require swimmers to demonstrate these elements without goggles, in order to pass the stage. Should your child need to wear goggles for medical reasons, please contact us.
Changes to Terms & Conditions:
Over the course of your time with us we may need to update our Terms and Conditions. We will email you with any amendments or updates to them. Our latest full Terms and Conditions can be found at the bottom of each page on our website.
Data Protection:
All personal details provided to and kept by water wings ltd are for our administrative purposes only and will not be passed to any Third Parties. In line with the new General Data Protection Regulations, an individual’s personal details will remain on file for 36 months after discontinuing association with water wings ltd, at which point they will be deleted. Please see our Privacy Policy for further detail.
No photography or video footage to be taken before, during or after swimming lessons. Water wings ltd may wish to take photographs and videos of individual and groups of swimmers under the age of 18 that may include your child during their membership of the club. When signing up to lessons, you will have agreed or declined for any photography of your child to be used for marketing purposes (on our website or social media), water wings ltd will adhere to your request. If you wish to change your photography preferences, please contact us.
Code of Conduct:
Water wings ltd will not tolerate abuse of any kind to our staff and all members/ parents of members of the club must abide by our Codes of Conduct and the rules set out for each facility. Water wings ltd reserves the right to end the contract if it deems there to have been any kind of abuse or violation of these rules.